Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Too much of a good thing.....

When it comes to cleaning, there's a familiar saying, "Your stuff is junk, and my junk is stuff."

I think it applies to a lot of corners in our life...our office cubicle, our overstuffed purses, the trunks of our cars...and our homes.

We bring our treasures home and surround ourselves with the memories. We look at the treasures on our shelves and we are reminded of the moments of our life. Our treasures remind us, they comfort us, and they keep us company.

When we list our homes for sale, our homes become products on the shelf.

Mr. and Mrs. Buyer begin the process of comparing, evaluating, and considering just which product they are going to invest their dollars in. Our product is picked up, examined, and judged worthy, or left behind on the shelf.

To you this is a collection of tiny treasures...they are Christmases and birthdays, they hold your memories of yesterdays, each with a story all thier own. Mr. and Mrs. Buyer, your wonderful treasures are clutter, they are noise. In their first impression glance, your "stuff" has become "junk". And sometimes all you get is the first impression glance.

Anything of more than two or three, becomes a collection. Collections become visual clutter. And visual clutter can quickly become junk to the Buyer's eye.

While your property is on the market, make room for the Buyers!

Pack away your collections. Edit your treasures. Don't let your wonderful product remain on the shelf.

Remember, when it comes to Staging and collections....too much of a good too much! :)

Be prepared to sweep it clean :)

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