Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 2009

The year is ending, and I find that my new year really is just on the cusp of beginning.

In many ways it seems as though October was a lifetime away, but isn't that the way life goes...hurry and wait...crawl, walk, run, fly...and finally soar.

So many dreams lie just beyond today that I can barely stand it...oh, for more hours, more energy, more vision, and more strength to take care of completing all the details that now swirl around in my head.

I have so much to learn. I have so much that needs to settle within me as I get my "staging house" in order.

I have finished up the first phase of getting ready. I have been on a staging site and know that it's where I want to be. I have a name that suits me, a design that delights me, and now to get a pharase that defines me.

I have begun to get involved with the staging community, and I like the creative energy and enthusiam that meets me there. I have been elected to the Board of that community, and I like them!

The new year unfolds before me with promise...promise of a newness that I haven't felt in some time. New life, new hope, new direction...all swirling around inside looking for a place to settle.

I am looking forward to the promise of what it now feels like to be on the cusp of newness....

Hooray for the promise of a new adventure!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The journey begins!

So many things are dancing across my mind.

The trees outside are beginning to turn into a vibrant display of colors. Changing from the familiar greens that have graced the neighborhood since last spring and into the fiery reds, and brilliant yellows, soft greens and golden browns that will flash for a moment and then make way for the crisp, barren branches of winter.

Seasons change, with or without the turning of a calendar page, the seasons change.

Life changes, with or without the fan fare of grandeur. In loud announcements and in quiet moments, life changes.

Soon the familiar makes way for the adventure of change.

Sometimes change comes when we aren't looking. Then there are those wonderful times, when our hearts are longing for a change, but don't quite know where to look. And then magically, the changes we have been longing for, meet us where we are.

I have had such a magical moment. In looking for the "something", I have found the "one" thing. The future now lies open before me with the promise of a new day, the excitement of a new adventure, the hope of tomorrow. I do not have words big enough to describe the anticipation that lies inside of me.

The opportunity to combine craft with comfort, skill with design, and imagination with the everyday...I am so looking forward to this new adventure in staging that now lies ahead of me.

Oh what fun we will have!

Thank you, Barb Schwarz, for the opportunity to find my wings, first to fly and then to soar!