Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 2009

The year is ending, and I find that my new year really is just on the cusp of beginning.

In many ways it seems as though October was a lifetime away, but isn't that the way life goes...hurry and wait...crawl, walk, run, fly...and finally soar.

So many dreams lie just beyond today that I can barely stand it...oh, for more hours, more energy, more vision, and more strength to take care of completing all the details that now swirl around in my head.

I have so much to learn. I have so much that needs to settle within me as I get my "staging house" in order.

I have finished up the first phase of getting ready. I have been on a staging site and know that it's where I want to be. I have a name that suits me, a design that delights me, and now to get a pharase that defines me.

I have begun to get involved with the staging community, and I like the creative energy and enthusiam that meets me there. I have been elected to the Board of that community, and I like them!

The new year unfolds before me with promise...promise of a newness that I haven't felt in some time. New life, new hope, new direction...all swirling around inside looking for a place to settle.

I am looking forward to the promise of what it now feels like to be on the cusp of newness....

Hooray for the promise of a new adventure!

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