Saturday, April 16, 2011


Once upon a time we bought a home in a family friendly neighborhood, raised our family and watched our investment appreciate in value. We looked forward to the day when we would list our house, entertain offers and hand over the keys. We dreamed of the day we would sail into the sunset with our nest egg and live happily ever after.
That was the goal until a new reality altered our plan.
When our reality is less than the fairy tale ending, we come to a fork in the road and we may get confused on where to turn.

· We recognize that we can no longer afford the mortgage and the reasons are as varied as the listing.

· We don’t want a parade of people streaming through our lives in order to sell the property.
You have weighed your options, discussed with your advisory team and come to the conclusion that your best decision is to sell.  As uncomfortable as that decision may be, you do have always have options.
Short sales may not be the easiest way to sell your house and the process may take some time.

Regardless of how you reach the decision to sell your home, the steps from LIST to SOLD are consistent:
· Making the decision to sell your home is personal.
· A house on the market is a product for sale.
· A product for sale is marketed to attract a buyer.
· Selling a house is a financial transaction.
· Moving is stressful.

· The decision to sell your home is personal.
In times like these, you may feel vulnerable.

The “why” of the sale does not define you.

· A house on the market is a product for sale.
Strangers, neighbors and friends will have the opportunity to visit your home online or arrive at your door by appointment.

Be prepared to show it off with excellence.

· A product is marketed to attract buyers.
Though the timing of the sale may not have been in your plans, a short sale has personal and financial benefits to you that other alternatives do not offer.

The inventory of houses is high, so you will benefit when your house stands out as exceptional.

· Selling a house is a financial transaction.
Buyers are looking for a great deal, banks are looking for the best return on their investment...and you are looking to move through the transaction with dignity.

Building Inspectors view staged homes as well-maintained properties. Appraisers are more likely to appraise staged homes at their full value.

· Moving is stressful.
Blue Ribbon Staging respects your circumstances. We provide detailed recommendations that will prepare you to move from SALE.

You are not alone...We have a plan!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We are better together :)

Once again Barb strikes a cord for the benefits of ASP Home Staging....and the "Win-win-win" of working together :).. 

There’s been a drastic change within the real estate world just in the last few years. Competition in the market continues, and sellers and agents alike are working to find solutions that will make a home stand out in the crowd.

Understanding Staging Services for Seller, Agent and Stager

April 7, 2011 by barbschwarz ·
Filed under: Staging Tips
By Barb Schwarz,
There’s been a drastic change within the real estate world just in the last few years. Competition in the market continues, and sellers and agents alike are working to find solutions that will make a home stand out in the crowd.
The down economy has driven the need for Accredited Staging Professionals® (ASPs®) more than ever before. In fact, we are seeing more ASP® home stagers as part of real estate teams. With an ever-growing number of short sales and bank-owned properties in markets all over the country, sellers of homes in regular price levels are in fierce competition to get the house sold.
Just the other day I was asked to define staging services and how they relate to the seller, the agent, and the stager.
First of all, the success of staging speaks for itself. Consider that statistics gathered by shows that 94.6 percent of homes staged by an Accredited Staging Professional® sell within 33 days, compared to an average of 196 days for homes that are not staged. Homes staged by Accredited Staging Professionals® stay on the market 83 percent less time than a home that has not been staged.

There’s no doubt staging makes a difference and that certainly speaks to the seller. When I discuss staging with sellers, I often share one of my often-quoted sayings, “The investment of staging your home is less than your first price reduction!” Two other messages I share, both created years ago, speak to the difference between staging and decorating: “Decorating is personalizing, staging is depersonalizing. Staging is not decorating,” and “Staging is not about decorating your home; it’s about selling your house.”
Sharing the impact of staging by showing statistical evidence of success is essential to effectively communicate to the seller the difference they can expect. With many sellers not fully aware of the difference between staging and decorating, and with many hesitant to invest in staging, I encourage real estate agents and home stagers to use my sayings above (and citing me as the source when doing so, of course).
As far as staging services as they relate to the real estate agent, again, consider the statistics I shared above. There is no doubt staging has a positive impact for agents as homes sell faster and for more money. In fact, because of the success evidenced all over the country, home stagers and real estate professionals are teaming up more and more to give turnkey service to the seller. The agent’s job is to get the property priced and to do the marketing to get it sold. The home stager merchandizes the property so that the marketing pays off. They are working hand-in-hand more and more.
The home stager generates money for the agent because without the house staged it sits and in the end the agents either get little commission or none. Therefore, working together, the seller wins, the agent wins, and the ASP® stager wins.
Barb Schwarz
Barb Schwarz
Barb Schwarz, ASP®, ASPM®, AB, IAHSP®
The Creator of Home Staging®
IAHSP® Founder and Chairwoman of The Board of The International Association of
Home Staging Professionals® and Foundation
Stage®, ASP®, ASPM®, IAHSP® and® are Federally Registered Trademarks of®